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Core Subjects

Mr. C Sivyer                           CURRICULUM LEADER




In year 9 all students will cover the fundamental ideas: particles, energy, cells, ecology and forces. The purpose of year 9 is to build up their skills and basic key ideas at GCSE level to develop a deep and clear understanding of them and subsequently apply these to new concepts.

In year 10 and 11 most students will carry on the new Combined GCSE Science course by AQA. During these 2 years they will carry on studying the rest of the content (biology, chemistry and physics) to gain 2 separate GCSEs.

The course is 100% exam with all exams conducted at the end of year 11.

GCSE Separate Sciences = 3 GCSEs, this will be available to selected pupils depending on KS3 scores and work ethic.

The students selected for this course will work at a faster pace and have an additional lesson a week as at the end of year 11 they will complete a series of exams in each of: biology, chemistry and physics.

Students must have a clear passion for Science and be able to work independently if they wish to choose the triple pathway. Due to the extra work load it is more relevant for those students thinking of studying sciences on through A-level.

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