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GCSE Media Studies

Staff contact: Mr M Short - Curriculum Leader for Media Studies

We are surrounded by media texts all day, every day. Films, TV shows, adverts, magazines, websites, music videos, video games, even the packaging of products you use. In Media Studies, you'll look closely at texts such as these, analysing their purpose and design, and produce versions of your own.


What sort of student does well in the subject?


Students who succeed in this subject enjoy thinking deeply about the role of the media in their daily lives and reflecting on their own work. Media Studies is also a very practical subject, so creative students who enjoy photography, film-making and using ICT also enjoy the subject.


The work you would do:


You will sit two exams in which you write about the marketing of films such as Spectre, the making of video games such as Pokemon Go and the characters in TV shows such as BBC’s Luther.


You will also produce coursework (worth 30% of the final GCSE), giving you the chance to design and create media texts of your own. This could be anything from a magazine to a music video to movie posters. You’ll have the chance to create the kind of media texts that interest you.

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